Failure persuasive essay topics
Writing a persuasive essay on an element related to failure can be challenging depending on the topic at hand. You want to choose something that you have an interest in, but at the same time, you feel you can clearly explain in full detail. There are so many aspects of failure you could write about, but the element to pay attention to is how to be persuasive with it and how to do so in the best way possible. The following topic ideas can be writing prompts to help you come up with raw ideas of your own.
- The aspect of failure for human beings in general. How does it affect men and women, or does one experience them more often over the other?
- When parts of the body fail (such as heart failure, kidney failure, etc.). Do you have an idea of why this happens or common causes? Maybe an argument is there for what scientists and doctors believe, but maybe the average person thinks otherwise.
- When children don’t succeed or they feel bad about failing. What are controversial ways parents and adults encourage children to do better? Why is it that some parents seem like they don’t care their child is not doing well in school?
- Failed relationships and marriages. What are common aspects that are argued among men and women that lead to failed relationships? Who seems to suffer the most when a marriage ends and both spouses tried to keep things together?
- When a bill failed to become a law. If you have an interest in political issues you may want to provide insight on a bill or measure introduced that for some reason, didn’t become a law. There are different bills that have been trying to get legalized into law for years, but they keep getting stalled or placed on the back burner.
- When a business fails. Can you are argue certain aspects that lead to business failure, especially for new start up businesses? A business can fail as a whole or maybe a new idea or invention failed to get profit or revenue.
- Mental effects of failure. What actually happens in the mind when you fail at something? Or, what about feelings of failure; is it considered normal and how does it differ from age groups or a certain point you are in life.
- When you let yourself down and experience failure. Did you really fail or was the goal unrealistic?