
Getting Some Interesting and Fresh Process Paper Ideas

The process essay is one where you explain a process. It can be something as simple as the process for making your favorite cake or a process for creating a new government in a war torn country. Obviously the more complicated topics are reserved for longer papers while a simpler topic is best for a five paragraph paper. You want to explain the process to the reader in as simple a fashion as possible.

When it comes to picking your essay topic it is important that you find something you are interested in. You may have heard this before and that is because it is important. You will be spending quite a bit of time with your topic. If you hate the topic then you won’t want to proofread and you will begrudgingly research as little as possible throwing in one quote that meets the minimum source requirements. If you like your topic then you will enjoy the process of writing the essay and you will enjoy learning more about the topic.

Maybe you could write about:

As you consider different topics it is important that you pick something that is interesting but also something that has some supportive literature. Just because you love the idea does not mean there is sufficient background information or evidence with which to form a solid argument. Don’t wait until it is too late to discover that your topic lacks sufficient evidence.

Consider the methods you want to use and how you want to present your information. As you do this: